Erst vor einigen Tagen erschien der neue Track mit Jamie T, nun haben Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes die neue Single Parasite via AWAL veröffentlicht.
Der Track handelt vom modernen und toxischen Dating unserer Zeit.
Frank Carter sagt über den Song
Parasite’ was conceived on a particularly brutal trip to the seaside where both Dean and I were in a difficult time in our lives and feeling low. It rained for a week straight and I visited Beachy Head every day and I walked the beaches below the cliff and stared at the sea. I spent hours on the phone to various friends around the world and listened to their relationship problems but I had no words of comfort, no solutions to find. Instead, I just listened and I soaked it up. The collective witnessed horrors of the worldwide dating pool seemed to mirror experiences closer to home. On the last day of the trip at midnight I began writing and by 3am a new Parasite had been discovered.
Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes demnächst auf Tour in Deutschland:
- 08.11.2022 – Markthalle @ Hamburg
- 10.11.2022 – Kantine @ Köln
- 13.11.2022 – Astra @ Berlin
- 17.11.2022 – Neue Theaterfabrik @ München
Tickets für Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes

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