Unser Sonntagsvideo: Royal Blood – Trouble’s Coming


Royal Blood haben das Video zu ihrer neuesten Single Trouble’s Coming veröffentlicht.

Das aus Brighton stammende Duo Ben Thatcher und Mike Kerr hat folgende Nachricht für ihre Anhänger:

Royal blood, sweat and tears of joy have been shed to get to this very moment, but it feels so incredible to finally let you in to our new world. We made this wholeheartedly for ourselves, and allowed everything we love about music to reveal itself. We’re totally besotted with every detail and this is just the beginning of something really special! We hope you get as much of a buzz out of it as we do. It’s all yours now
                                                                                                       Royal Blood

Mehr zu Royal Blood

Unser Sonntagsvideo: Royal Blood - Trouble’s Coming

Royal Blood haben das Video zu ihrer neuesten Single Trouble’s Coming veröffentlicht.

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